Roadshow Limo Service
Boston Chauffeur is the trusted company for financial roadshow transportation. Our commitment to detail combined with our logistics expertise has made us a leader in the investment banking world. That’s because we understand the demanding and critical nature of the business. Our reputation as a leader in executive transportation for the financial sector allows us to maintain preferred status with many of the largest, most recognizable investment banks and firms around the globe.
Road Show Features:
- Trip Monitoring: A Road Show coordinator watches the trip in real-time, assuring chauffeurs are where they are supposed to be, precisely when they are supposed to be there.
- Real-Time Coordination: Our Road Show team makes itinerary changes as they are communicated and acts as a liaison between passengers, travel arrangers, chauffeurs, and dispatch.
- Route-Planning: Even before a Road Show begins, a Road Show coordinator helps to map out routes between locations with event planners to ensure all participants have a comprehensive understanding of drive times between locations on an itinerary.
- Pre-Trip Chauffeur Information: For all Road Show reservations (and whenever feasible), Boston Chauffeur will send the chauffeur your contact information 24 hours prior to service.
- Professional Road Show Chauffeurs: All Road Show reservations are assigned to our most experienced and professional chauffeurs.
Call 978-921-4334 to discuss your Road Show plans.